Regression Model Development (part 2)#

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#Note: we only repeat this step from before, because this is a new .ipyb page.
#it only needs to be executed once per file.
#We'll import libraries as needed, but when submitting, having them all at the top is the best practice
import pandas as pd

# Reloading the dataset
url = ""
df = pd.read_csv(url) #read CSV into Python as a dataframe

column_names = ['sepal-length', 'sepal-width', 'petal-length', 'petal-width', 'type']
df = pd.read_csv(url, names = column_names) #read CSV into Python as a dataframe

#Choosing sepal-length as the independent variable. 
X = df.drop(columns=['sepal-length']) #indpendent variables
y = df[['sepal-length']].copy() #dependent variables

Processing Categorical Data (the right way)#

In the previous section, we avoided the additional complexity of processing categorical data by simply removing it. While this sped things along, it also dropped potentially valuable insight from our analysis. Now that the code is working, we’ll rebuild our models using that categorical data -the type feature.

df_sample = df.sample(n=10, random_state = 152)
# df_sample_highlight = pd.concat([df_sample.iloc[:5,:], df_sample.iloc[-5:,:]]).style.format().set_properties(subset=['type'], **{'background-color': 'yellow'})

# function definition
def highlight_cols(s):
    color = 'null'
    if s == 'Iris-virginica': color = 'limegreen'
    elif s == 'Iris-setosa': color = 'lightblue'
    elif s == 'Iris-versicolor': color = 'orange'
    # color = 'red' if s == 'Iris-virginica' or 'blue' if s == 'Iris-setosa'
    return 'background-color: % s' % color
# highlighting the cells
  sepal-length sepal-width petal-length petal-width type
38 4.400000 3.000000 1.300000 0.200000 Iris-setosa
115 6.400000 3.200000 5.300000 2.300000 Iris-virginica
36 5.500000 3.500000 1.300000 0.200000 Iris-setosa
122 7.700000 2.800000 6.700000 2.000000 Iris-virginica
21 5.100000 3.700000 1.500000 0.400000 Iris-setosa
7 5.000000 3.400000 1.500000 0.200000 Iris-setosa
89 5.500000 2.500000 4.000000 1.300000 Iris-versicolor
48 5.300000 3.700000 1.500000 0.200000 Iris-setosa
51 6.400000 3.200000 4.500000 1.500000 Iris-versicolor
127 6.100000 3.000000 4.900000 1.800000 Iris-virginica

We have three mutually exclusive flower types, equally distributed, in this feature:

df.groupby('type').size().plot(kind='pie',colors = ['lightblue', 'orange', 'limegreen']);
A piechart is shown. The graph is split into three equal groups     + Orange = Iris-versicolot, green = Iris-virginica, and blue = Iris-setosa.

Recall, a coding [error was returned](sup_reg_ex: develop: train) after inputting this data directly into This occurred because the algorithm did not how to process categorical independent variables. This isn’t a problem when using dependent categorical variables for classification models as in our classification example. Those algorithms are written to expect dependent categorical variables -as they always classify categories.

But algorithms like numbers and there are many instances when ML models can only interpret numerical data. Furthermore, how categories should be represented requires an understanding of the data. Something the algorithm doesn’t have. Thus feature encoding, processing data into numerical form, is an essential data analytical skill. To do this properly you should understand your data before preceding.

For example, we could simply re-label the types as follows:

\[\begin{split} \text{Iris-setosa} \rightarrow 1 \\ \text{Iris-versicolor} \rightarrow 2 \\ \text{Iris-virginica} \rightarrow 3 \\ \end{split}\]

and hand this off to the algorithm. While this would fix the coding error, any mathematical interpretation of this re-labeling would be meaningless, e.g., Iris-setosa is not twice as much as Iris-versicolor, nor does setosa + versicolor = virginica -the type is just a name. We call this type of categorical data nominal. Categories with an inherent order, e.g., grades, pay grades, bronze-silver-gold, etc., are called ordinal. But that doesn’t apply here either. A flower either is an Iris-setosa OR it isn’t. Each type is similarly binary so we can interpret each unique type as a unique feature, with a 1 or 0, indicating whether the category applies or not.

Most machine learning libraries are equipped with built-in preprocessing functions; see the available options in the docs: sklearn.preprocessing. For simplicity, we’ll start with Pandas’ built-in get_dummies. However, it will often be best to use functions specifically written for your model’s library, such as sklearn’s OneHotEncoder.

after_pd_dummy = pd.get_dummies(df_sample)
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#highlight values according to column names and values. 
def highlight_cols_dummy(col):
    if == 'type_Iris-setosa':
        return ['background-color: lightblue' if c == 1 else '' for c in col.values]
    elif == 'type_Iris-versicolor':
        return ['background-color: orange' if c == 1 else '' for c in col.values]
    elif == 'type_Iris-virginica':
        return ['background-color: lightgreen' if c == 1 else '' for c in col.values]
        return ['background-color: null' for c in col.values]

# #Nice displays are nice but not required. 
from IPython.display import display_html, HTML
before_styler = df_sample[['type']].style.set_table_attributes("style='display:inline'").set_caption('Before').applymap(highlight_cols).format(precision = 1)
after_styler = after_pd_dummy[['type_Iris-setosa','type_Iris-versicolor','type_Iris-virginica']].style.set_table_attributes("style='display:inline'").set_caption('After <em>get_dummy</em>').apply(highlight_cols_dummy).format(precision = 1)
space = "\xa0" * 10 #space between columns
# arrow = "<html> <big><big><big><big><big>&#8680;</big></big></big></big></big> </html>"
# arrow = <big><big><big><big><big>&#8680;</big></big></big></big></big>

arrow = '<table style="width:5%"> \
    <tr> \
        <th> <br> <br> <big><big><big><big><big>&#8680;</big></big></big></big></big> <br> <br> </th> \

# df_sample[['type']]
# displays dataframes side by side
display_html(before_styler._repr_html_() + space + after_styler._repr_html_(), raw=True)
38 Iris-setosa
115 Iris-virginica
36 Iris-setosa
122 Iris-virginica
21 Iris-setosa
7 Iris-setosa
89 Iris-versicolor
48 Iris-setosa
51 Iris-versicolor
127 Iris-virginica
After get_dummy
  type_Iris-setosa type_Iris-versicolor type_Iris-virginica
38 1 0 0
115 0 0 1
36 1 0 0
122 0 0 1
21 1 0 0
7 1 0 0
89 0 1 0
48 1 0 0
51 0 1 0
127 0 0 1

This process is called vectorization. Now we can include type in the training and testing of a model:

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression 
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error

X = pd.get_dummies(X)
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.333, random_state=41)
linear_reg_model_types = LinearRegression(),y_train)
y_pred = linear_reg_model_types.predict(X_test)

sme = mean_squared_error(y_test, y_pred)
print('MSE using types is :' + str(sme))
MSE using types is :0.12921261168601364

When including the flower types, our linear model has a mean squared error of \(\approx 0.129\). Recall from the previous section without the flower types, we had a MSE of abot \(0.123\).

So did it get worse? No. Our data changed and you can’t simply compare MSE’s from different cases. Converting types to numerical features, added three dimensions to the previous example. Moving from three to a *six-*dimensional space. Consider the change from just two to three dimensions, e.g., \(2^{2}=4\) to \(2^{3}=8\). Adding dimensions can radically increase the volume of space making the available data relatively sparse -what’s known as the Curse of Dimensionality. -However, that’s not the full story here. While, both petal-length and petal-width appear positively correlated with sepal-lengthfor versicolor and virginica it does not for setosa (blue below),

import seaborn as sns

sns.pairplot(df,x_vars = ['petal-length','petal-width'], y_vars=['sepal-length'], hue='type');
Two scatterplots are shown side by side. The y-axis for both is sepal-length.      The x-axis is petal-length and petal-length for the left and right plot, respectively.      Both plots similarly show positive linear correlations for the color-coded Iris-versicolor and Iris virginica data points.      The Iris-setosa data points are grouped in the lower-left quadrant of both plots with little linear correlation.

The drop in accuracy is in part a limitation of our simple linear model trying to make use of a feature pulling the model in the wrong direction. Making the most out of your data involves a mix of understanding the data and the applied algorithm(s) (which don’t understand anything). Using three different linear models yields better results:

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression 
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error

df_dummy = pd.get_dummies(df)
df_s = df_dummy.loc[df_dummy['type_Iris-setosa'] == 1].drop(columns=['type_Iris-versicolor', 'type_Iris-virginica'])
df_v = df_dummy.loc[df_dummy['type_Iris-versicolor'] == 1].drop(columns=['type_Iris-setosa', 'type_Iris-virginica'])
df_g = df_dummy.loc[df_dummy['type_Iris-virginica'] == 1].drop(columns=['type_Iris-setosa', 'type_Iris-versicolor'])

def line_regression_pipe(df_list):
    for df in df_list:
        X = df.drop(columns=['sepal-length']) #indpendent variables
        y = df[['sepal-length']].copy() #dependent variables
        #split the variable sets into training and testing subsets
        X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.333, random_state=41)
        linear_reg_model_a = LinearRegression(),y_train)
        y_pred = linear_reg_model_a.predict(X_test)
        sme = mean_squared_error(y_test, y_pred)
        print('MSE of ' + df.columns[4] + ' is :' + str(sme) )

df_list = [df_s, df_v, df_g]
MSE of type_Iris-setosa is :0.06604867484155268
MSE of type_Iris-versicolor is :0.09862408497975977
MSE of type_Iris-virginica is :0.0802189108860733

The goal of this section was to illustrate how to incorporate independent categorical variables. Though it starts with converting strings to numbers, how those conversations are done is important to consider. Moreover, the introduction of more features can impact both the computational efficiency and accuracy of the model.