Welcome to C964!



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Welcome to C964!#

Welcome! For the Computer Science capstone project, you’ll develop and present a machine learning application solving a proposed problem. The problem, the solution, and the presentation as a final product are up to you! The capstone allows you to demonstrate the application of skills collected throughout the CS program. Most importantly, that crucial skill setting CS majors apart, learning and applying new things. You are a problem-solver; this is your opportunity to shine.

The capstone includes three parts:

  1. Task 1: Get course instructor topic approval -a preliminary step to ensure you starts in the right direction.

  2. Task 2 part C: The “app.” Develop a working application of machine learning (ML).

  3. Task 2 parts D, A, & B: Documentation communicating your product’s value and development process to audiences of varying technical understanding.

Start Here#

First, understand the project’s requirements. What they are -and what they aren’t. Watch the following video:

And review the What does the application need to do? section and part C of the Task 2 template.

Like the C950 -Data Structures and Algorithms II task and C951 -Intro to AI tasks 1 and 2, this project consists of a working application, (Task 2 part C), and accompanying documentation, Task 2 parts A, B, & D. But because of the breadth of allowable topics, we want to ensure you start working in the right direction, and thus require all topics to be approved by your assigned course instructor, Task 1. So your next step is choosing a topic and having it approved.