
Students starting C769 after 8/25/2024 will be automatically enrolled in the newest version, ROM3. The ROM3 requirements are very similar to ROM2. However, faculty could only review the new course after its release, and there may be some minor discrepancies between the latest course and our stated best practices. This website will be updated by 9/4.

Task 1#

Choosing a Topic#

The approval form ensures you start in the right direction before investing time and effort into task 2. Evaluators look for our (instructors’) signature, and we look for the following:

  1. Relation to your degree emphasis.

  2. A specific client and problem (you can fabricate a client whose problem needs your chosen solution.)

  3. The implementation of a hard IT deliverable that helps solve that problem.

  • Watch: Choosing a Project Idea

The Capstone Excellence Archive includes a wide range of completed projects to review. However, keep in mind that they all are, by definition, above and beyond the requirements. Therefore, do not use these as examples of what’s needed to meet the requirements.

For a more down-to-earth example of what’s required, see these tasks 1-3 examples. Most of the work will be in writing task 2. To understand what task 2 requires, review the task 2 template and task 2 section-by-section videos (they are short).

Topic Approval#

Once you’ve decided on a topic, complete the approval form following the template:

Thumbnail of the Topic Approval Form

Include a rough outline of your client, their problem(s), and your IT plan to fix it. Email the completed form to your course instructor who will either approve it with their signature or provide feedback.


The topic approval form must be signed by a C769 course instructor. Forms without a signature are automatically returned without further review.

Directly emailing your assigned course instructor is the fastest and often best way to get a signature. Whether emailing ugcapstoneit@wgu.edu or your CI directly, always practice professional communication:

  • Use your WGU email.

  • Provide a subject, your capstone course, and your program mentor’s name (if not in your signature)

  • Clearly state your questions or requests.

You only need to apply for IRB review if you are collecting data involving human participants (this is rarely needed). Otherwise, your project is in IRB compliance, and you should put a \(\checkmark\) next to the IRB statement. For more details see WGU IRB and Human Subject Protections FAQ.

Waiver Form#


The waiver form is only required if your project includes restricted information. If no waiver form is submitted, Task 1 B: Capstone Release Form, passes automatically.

In most cases, obtaining authorization can be avoided by fabricating or masking identifying information. But if you choose to move forward using restricted information, you must obtain documented permissions and submit them along with a waiver form to Assessments.

Thumbnail of the Waiver Form


Do I need to set up an appointment to get approval?#

No. Usually, students email the approval form to their instructor. We then sign the form or follow up with questions. However, if you have questions about the requirements or difficulty choosing a topic, you are encouraged to set up an appointment with your course instructor. A 15-30 minute phone call can address most questions or concerns. If you do set up an appointment to discuss your approval form, please email it to the instructor before the appointment.

What if I start writing task 2 and want to change things? Do I need to resubmit task 1?#

No. Minor changes from task 1 to task 2 are expected and allowed without updating the approval form. Evaluators will not rigorously compare tasks 1 and 2. Task 2 is where the work is, and even with complete topic changes at most, you might need to revise the approval form (if at all). So never let task 1 dictate what you do in task 2. However, deviating significantly from what was approved could put you at risk of completing a project not meeting the requirements. So while small changes do not need review, substantial changes should be discussed with your assigned course instructor.

Can I use projects from other WGU courses?#

Yes! You can use any of your work or academic projects (at WGU or elsewhere) provided no proprietary information is used without permission. Don’t worry about self-plagiarism, as the similarity check will identify and ignore it. Just as in reusing work projects, expect to modify and remold past academic assignments to meet the rubric requirements.

Do I need an “electronic signature” as specified in the official rubric?#

You can type in your name, use a “fancy” font, or insert an image of your signature.

What are the common reasons for task 1 being returned?#

  1. No instructor signature on the approval form. You need to send it to us and get a signature before submitting it. Both boxes or no boxes are correctly marked on the waiver form. Mark one and only one box.

  2. Both or neither box is marked on the waiver form. Mark one and only one box. See the waiver form instructions

Note, the waiver form is only required if your project includes restricted information. Task 1 B: Capstone Release Form, passes automatically if no waiver form is submitted, i.e., the waiver is only needed if it’s needed.

How many attempts are allowed for each assessment?#

You have unlimited attempts. However, incomplete submissions or submissions significantly falling short of the minimum requirements may be locked from further submissions without instructor approval. Furthermore, such submissions do not receive meaningful evaluator comments.

What is a hard IT deliverable?#

It is a physical or digital technological addition or improvement to the client’s environment. Examples include any hardware or software installation or updates. Soft deliverables, e.g., training, policies, evaluation, etc., can (and often should) be included but cannot meet the requirements alone.

Can I get the “welcome email?”#

Yes, contact your assigned course instructor or see the sample welcome email in the C769 Resources section.

Are there any cohorts? I don’t see where to sign-up on my COS page.#

Yes, cohorts run regularly. Enrollment typically opens on Mondays and closes Wednesdays. You can find the link to sign-up under the Explore Cohort section on your C769 COS page. If the section is not visible, either enrollment has closed or the cohort will not be available that week. See Webinars and Cohorts for more details.

Should I check the IRB statement on the approval form?#

You only need to apply for IRB review if you are collecting data involving human participants (this is rarely needed). Otherwise, your project is in IRB compliance. For more details see WGU IRB and Human Subject Protections FAQ.

Questions, comments, or suggestions?#