Welcome to C769!



This website is a work in progress!!

Students starting C769 after 8/25/2024 will be automatically enrolled in the newest version, ROM3. The ROM3 requirements are very similar to ROM2. However, faculty could only review the new course after its release, and there may be some minor discrepancies between the latest course, available resources, and stated best practices.

Welcome to C769!#

Welcome! The IT capstone is a written project demonstrating competency in your field through communicating the planning and implementation of an IT solution to a business problem.

The capstone includes three parts:

  1. Task One: Get course instructor topic approval -a preliminary step to ensure you start in the right direction.

  2. Task two: The Proposal -a detailed paper describing a client’s problem and how you will implement an IT solution to solve it. Most of your work will be here.

  3. Task three: The Conclusion Report -a detailed paper describing the concluded project proposed in task two. Most of task three repeats task two.

Start Here#

First, understand the project’s requirements. What they are -and what they aren’t. Watch the following video:

To meet the requirements of Tasks 2 and 3, your topic (Task 1) must have the following:

  1. A specific client with an IT need or problem (you can fabricate a client who needs your preferred solution.)

  2. The implementation of a hard IT deliverable that addresses the client’s need or problem.

Your topic should not describe a framework for a general approach, nor only provide an assessment of issues or advice on improvements. Specific hard IT deliverables (hardware or software changes) must be included in Task 2 (the proposal) and Task 3 (the conclusion report). For many projects, such as security projects, plans for specific hardware/software updates often follow an investigation. In these cases, assume when writing Tasks 2 and 3 that the investigation has been done and the issues to be fixed are known.